Reliable and Professional commercial painting.
Bring our unparalleled service to your project! Future Energy - Solar paint is now a thing!
Bring our unparalleled service to your project! Future Energy - Solar paint is now a thing!
As a premier company dedicated to providing premier customer service, it is important to us to deliver unparalleled workmanship on every assignment. We offer a wide range of services to meet your project needs and ensure durable and cost effective workmanship.
We will work with you to meet deadlines and coordinate with other related projects. We will maintain open communication with you to keep you up to date on the status of your job. We do this to guarantee that the project is completed according to your preferences.
We strive to save you both time and money by combining our use of industry knowledge, the highest quality parts and equipment, and our dedication to delivering exceptional service. We will not leave the job until it is finished and you are satisfied.
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Solar paint helps homes produce power: Green technology for 2018
Imagine you're searching for that perfect paint to give your home a fresh look and feel. You're standing in front of a display staring at endless shades of navy. Now, imagine you spot a colour called "clean energy".
The choice is simple, right?
Melbourne's RMIT University has created a Solar Paint which can absorb water vapour and split it to generate hydrogen.
Lead researcher Dr Torben Daeneke said the paint uses solar energy and moisture from the air to create hydrogen.
“We found that mixing the compound with titanium oxide particles leads to a sunlight-absorbing paint that produces hydrogen fuel from solar energy and moist air," he said.
“Titanium oxide is the white pigment that is already commonly used in wall paint, meaning that the simple addition of the new material can convert a brick wall into energy harvesting and fuel production real estate.
“Our new development has a big range of advantages.”
With no need for clean or filtered water to feed the system, any place that has water vapour in the air, even remote areas far from water, can produce fuel.SolarLayer
EPA’s 2008 Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule (as amended in 2010 and 2011), aims to protect the public from lead-based paint hazards associated with renovation, repair and painting activities. These activities can create hazardous lead dust when surfaces with lead paint, even from many decades ago, are disturbed. The rule requires workers to be certified and trained in the use of lead-safe work practices, and requires renovation, repair, and painting firms to be EPA-certified. These requirements became fully effective April 22, 2010.
Under the rule, beginning April 22, 2010, firms performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities, and kindergartens built before 1978 must be EPA- or state-certified and must use certified renovators who follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination. This includes in-house maintenance staff and many types of outside contractors. In order to become certified renovators, individuals must take training from an EPA-accredited training provider. For firms to be certified, they must submit an application and fee to EPA online.
According to the EPA, most buildings built prior to 1978 will likely contain lead-based paint, a heavy mercury-like substance that is a health hazard to humans. Fortunately, now that the dangers of latent lead-based paint have become public knowledge, the EPA is actively involved in creating stringent regulations that govern the renovation of older homes containing this substance.
While lead-safe work practices require an EPA lead-safe contractor, additional labor, and materials, certified contractors will ensure that lead-based paint debris is removed and handled in a way that is safe to your home and family, as well as themselves. Always ask any contractor for their EPA Lead RRP certification number.
Trust your painting project to ICC LTD-International Coating Company.
We are EPA RRP Certified.
A new 'solar paint' lets you transform your entire house or business into a source of clean energy
Thanks to a new technology produced by a team of Argentinian, British, and Swiss scientists you may soon be able to.
The team’s innovative product called SolarLayer is comprised of three parts: a fiber conductor, photovoltaic cells and a voltage stabilizer. The conductor is made of a thin 2µm copper-based alloy fiber that acts as the basic conducting surface. The photovoltaic cells can transform light sources into electricity and consist of a series of conducting and non-conducting areas that energy flow to and from the fiber conductor. The tension stabilizer receives electric current from different parts of the conductor fiber via a copper wire and stabilizes it before generating a useful current output. The system has been designed to work in 3/12V.
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